Thursday, 23 May 2013


The terrible event at Woolwich reminds us starkly of the mental as well as physical trauma to which our forces' personnel are exposed. For those who are injured, and those who serve along side them and their families, the trauma can last sometimes a lifetime.

Our work at PTSD Resolution is to counsel those veterans who are affected by military trauma. The alternative for them is often extreme daily anguish, nightmares, even substance abuse and family breakdown. And worse.

Nearly 8 out of 10 times - in 78 per cent of cases - we achieve an  effective resolution - so that the counsellor and counselled believe that no further help is required, after an average of five one sessions. They can go on to lead normal work and family lives, like you and me.

To achieve this the charity needs money, frankly. We get no Government, NHS of H4H funding.
We counsel each veteran at a cost per treatment of £373.  The main charity in the military mental health area treats veterans at an average cost per treatment of £2,836. But we are the only charity that reports on its results.

All our money is used to pay and manage our counsellors network. We have no salaried staff or assets, not so much as a stapler. All Trustees are volunteers.
Help us if you can , or just tell people about what we do.

Thank you -

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