Monday, 21 October 2013

PTSD Resolution annual conference - you should have been there...

PTSD Resolution held its annual conference on Saturday 12th October 2013, and on the same day it was featured a number of times on BBC TV: see some clips on the BBC and also here

To see more TV clips and catch up with the latest news and media exposure for Resolution see our Facebook page.

Tony Gauvain, Chairman of PTSD Resolution, opened the conference and highlighted the fact that 419 referrals had received treatment to date, and we are currently taking on two new referrals a week. The direction for the coming year is to gain membership of COBSEO; to be accredited by PSA through the Human Givens Institute; and to compete for tenders with CCGs.

Bill Andrews presented the latest evidence of HG and PTSD Resolution’s effectiveness. Bill's slide presentation can be seen here or Bill will talk you through it here and here This presentation is extraordinarily useful to anyone who wants to understand how Resolution works and what sort of results are being achieved for our veterans.

Extracts from Chris Terrill’s TV series Battle Scarred preceded a discussion to explore the nature of Veterans’ trauma and whether there is a case for the Justice system to take more account of the effects when determining sentence. A better balance needs to be found between maintaining the deterrent of prison and providing opportunity for treatment and reduced sentencing.

An extract from an interview with Tom and Sue at his 'Shaveathon' led into a discussion about the impact on families living with traumatised Veterans. Wendy Houghton from Families of the Brave and Linda Hoggan who has created a parenting programme ‘Just What We Need’ led the discussion. A major conclusion was that service families will benefit from better and more trauma awareness training to learn how to recognise, understand, and manage the impact of trauma.

Martin Smith gave a presentation on Mindfulness and how it can take over from where the heavy-duty business of trauma therapy comes to an end.

Dr. Robin Bennet, a clinical psychologist with a special interest in trauma, particularly in childhood, gave a fascinating insight into the effects of trauma on the brain before and after treatment.

Carly Raby then presented a complex case study which illustrated many of the complications Robin had been describing and opened up for the audience how Resolution can take on the hardest of cases, thanks to the expertise of its therapists.

Piers Bishop concluded with an exhortation to generate funds, especially on 5 December via the Big Give

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